Sacred Heart Parish has four restricted funds as well as its Sunday offertory basket, to which parishioners may designate their gifts. You can donate to any of the following funds on our donation page. The page will require you to select which fund you would like to support.
Thank you for your ongoing generosity.
The Sunday Collection Basket
In lieu of an in person donation during Sunday Mass, this option is available to those who prefer to donate online.
The Parish Ordinary Operating Fund
For those who would like to make a non-restricted charitable gift beyond their normal Sunday Collection (e.g. at the end of the year) this fund “keeps the lights on” and helps to pay the ordinary operating expenses.
This fund is used only for improvements and major repairs of our beautiful church and rectory as well as the parish hall. The fund is not used for the ordinary operating expenses of these buildings.
The Sacred Heart Parish School Foundation was established in 1983 to provide financial assistance to the parish school, especially in the form of tuition grants. A fiduciary board of directors made up of parishioners oversees the Parish School Foundation. The Foundation maintains a Perpetual Endowment in addition to its ordinary budget.
As an alternative to online giving, Sacred Heart Parish offers its parishioners who prefer to use checks or cash the option of Weekly Offertory Envelopes for their support of the parish. This option provides parishioners with pre-printed envelopes that can be used for their weekly contribution. Envelopes are also provided for Holy Days of Obligations, and the monthly “Pink” envelope for the Sacred Heart Parish School Foundation. Use of weekly envelopes ensures a record of contributions so that a statement can be provided to the parishioner at year-end for tax purposes. Second collections envelopes are provided in the church vestibule at the scheduled time. To have the contribtion credited the parishioner must include some form of identification with the envelope.
If you would like to sign up for Weekly Offertory Envelopes, contact the Parish Office at 916-452-4136. ext. 2.
Please prayerfully consider supporting Sacred Heart by donating on a regular basis. We make every effort to be good stewards of your generous donations.
Most banks and credit unions provide their customers with the service of paying many of their recurring bills automatically, e.g. utilities, communication services, etc. This is a convenient way to make your regular donation to the Parish using your bank account. Parishioners are encouraged to consider using this manner of giving.
To learn more click here .
Over the years, a number of parishioners have generously remembered the Parish in their estates. We are grateful for their thoughtfulness and generosity. Adding Sacred Heart Parish as a beneficiary in your will or trust is a way of prolonging your support of our Parish Community and assuring its financial viability for years to come. Additionally, there are tax advantages to the donor’s estate.
How do I give the Parish a financial gift in my will or trust?
The Parish encourages a parishioner to discuss one’s desire with legal counsel and a financial consultant. Since the Parish does not want any financial gift to the Parish to be a cause of misunderstanding in the donor’s family, we suggest that the appropriate family member(s) be informed by the donor of his/her intent.
Click the Funds tab for detailed information on the various options.
For many people, the decision to give financially is not as difficult as it is to decide when and how much to give. When choosing the avenue in which to give, it is best to think in terms of proportion and intention. Simply put, give in proportion to what you have received and be intentional in determining how much you will give and where you will give. Consider your parish and your diocese and always examine charitable giving to support the needs of your community and the world community.
Prayer of Stewardship
Loving Father, you alone are the source of every good gift. We praise you for all your gifts to us, and we thank you for your generosity. Everything we have, and all that we are, comes from you. Help us to be grateful and responsible. You have called us to follow your Son, Jesus, without counting the cost. Send us your Holy Spirit to give us courage and wisdom to be faithful, grateful, accountable, generous, and willing disciples of your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Conference assists individuals and families in need. If you know someone or a family in need of resources (food, clothing, rent and/or utility assistance) and lives in the parish boundaries of St. Mary or Sacred Heart, they can reach us by calling and leaving a message at 916-476-8481.